We are very happy to inform you that the website for the next LIDC Congress held in Gothenburg on September 21-24 2023 are now live and open for registration!
Browse the website and discover the program we have prepared for what will be a fantastic event.
As you know already, the 2 questions that will be discussed this year are:
- Question A:
Do recent developments in enforcement, case-law, and guidance from competition authorities and regulators make the delineation between legitimate and efficient purchasing and supply arrangements and infringing conduct sufficiently clear in practice that businesses and their advisors know how to stay on the right side of the law?
- Question B:
What mechanisms exist to avoid over-broad trademarks and address concerns that the trademark registers are clogged (e.g. bad faith in Sky v SkyKick; requirements for evidence of use), and are these mechanisms effective?
During the days of the Congress, there will be some time to listen to some very interesting panel discussions and debates, to brainstorm together during the working sessions, but also to have several networking events and enjoy the wonderful city of Gothenburg. This is something you don’t want to miss out on!
Go directly to the website now and register before June 30 to benefit from the early bird rate!
More info and full program : http://ligue.org/resources/search-in-all-documents/
We look forward to seeing you in Gothenburg!