National Groups News

In this page you will be able to find and search the latest news of LIDC National Groups.

  • Treviso is back! 16 and 17 June 2022 @Online & Onsite Conference
    Save the Date of the XV (Online & Onsite) edition of the Treviso Antitrust Conference, which will be held on June the 16th - 17th, 2022. STD_TrevisoAntitrustConference 2022 Full program
  • Appointment of the CRC Member to Ukrainian antimonopoly authority
    On 8th of February, Serhiy SHERSHUN, the president of Competition Research Center has been appointed by the President of Ukraine as a commissioner within the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. The members of the CRC greet Serhiy with this opportunity and believe that his unique experience would be of a great…
  • Who is to blame for the "milk conspiracy" and what could be the consequences
    Mykola Boichuk of CRC participated in meeting at the parliamentary committee for economy gathered due to tense situation at Ukrainian dairy market. As natural gas prices are rising costs both for farmers and dairy producers rise. On the downstream, supermarkets are reluctant to raise prices accordingly, as they feel pressure from the…
  • Law on Internal Trade - the time has come to settle the relationship between networks and suppliers
    The Chairman of the Competition Research Center, the member of the working group of the Ministry of Economy on developing a draft law on the basic principles of food trade, Ph.D. Serhiy Shershun commented on the draft laws “On Domestic Trade” for the agrarian-political publication AgroPolit, in particular in the…
  • Law on localization: impact on competition in Ukraine
    On January 12, the President of Ukraine signed the draft law №3739 on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement”. Authorities have already made loud statements about how this law will help the national producer. Another camp is concerned about the deterioration of relations with international partners and…
  • The AMCU's lawsuit against the Ukraine's largest agricultural produce company) over acquisition of Skott Smeat.
    We decided to launch the section #antitrustexplain. We hope it will be useful for journalists, civil servants and politicians, young lawyers and economists who want to better understand the essence, causes and consequences of current events in the field of competition regulation. The first publication is about the initiation by…
  • Will administrative justice be adopted in Ukraine?
    Bill № 3475: Will its adoption promote fairness and transparency in business relations with the state - Intelmag The law on administrative procedure, which Ukraine has been trying to pass for more than 20 years, is one of the most anticipated for the European Union. Ukrainian society is also waiting…
  • Shershun Serhiy: Competition and sustainable development
    Issues of ecology and competition law are so connected to each other. Even in modern law and order, issues in one of these areas are often resolved to the detriment of another. You may say that Ukrainian antitrust has much hotter issues than ecology. However, the development of industry and…
  • CRC's participation in the LIDC Congress
    On September 22-24, 2021, the Congress of the International League of Competition Law (LIDC) was held. It is one of the most important events of the year among antitrust professionals and experts. The Chairman of the Non-Governmental Organization Competition Research Center (CRC) Shershun Serhiy and the Deputy Chairman Boichuk Mykola…
  • Is product placement to be?
    Product placement in the modern media space of Ukraine is of great interest to both advertisers and consumers. The lack of clear regulation of such targeted advertisement is a pressing issue for the Ukrainian legislator. Is the integration of advertising into the frame of a film or series really a…