In this page you will be able to find and search the latest LIDC news.

  • LIDC Webinar: Combating Fake Reviews in the U.S. - Tuesday 18 February
    The LIDC will be holding a lunchtime webinar on Tuesday 18 February 2025 at 1:00 pm (CET) / midday (UK). Combating Fake Reviews in the U.S. Fake customer reviews pose a significant threat to market integrity, consumer trust, and fair competition. This panel will examine how the United States addresses…
  • LIDC Webinar: Data Protection, Market Power and Business Models
    The LIDC will be holding a lunchtime webinar on Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 1:00 pm (CET) / midday (UK). The webinar will focus on the scope and implications of integrating market power arguments into data protection requirements for the collection and processing of personal data. How are and could concepts such…
  • LIDC congress 2024 in London - 7/9 November
    The LIDC Congress 2024 will be held in London from 7 until 9 November 2024 : New Legal Order: Coherent antitrust, IP and data regulation, in a divergent world We are glad to inform you that the questions to be discussed during the London congress are as follows : Question…
  • LIDC / CLA Lunchtime Webinar:  - Foreign Subsidy Regime - Tuesday 11 July, 1:00 pm (CET) / midday (UK)
    The LIDC will be holding a joint lunchtime webinar with the CLA on Tuesday 11 July 2023 at 1:00 pm (CET) / midday (UK). Martin Farley, a member of the Legal Service of the European Commission, Natura Gràcia and Jacques Derenne have kindly agreed to speak on the subject of the…
  • Lunchtime Webinar: Interim Measures in Competition Law Cases: status, recent developments and areas for improvement - Part II
    The LIDC will be holding a joint lunchtime webinar with the CLA on Thursday 15 June 2023 at 1:00 pm (CET) / midday (UK). Pascale Déschamps (French Competition Authority) and Alessandro Sia (Swiss Competition Commission) have kindly agreed to speak on the subject of Interim Measures in Competition Law Cases…
  • Lunchtime Webinar: Wednesday 7 September 2022: "Digital Influencers and Online Advertising: regulatory landscape and issues"
    The Ligue Internationale de Droit de la Concurrence (LIDC) and NEXGen will be holding a lunchtime webinar on Wednesday 7 September 2022 from 1pm to 2.30 pm (CET) on: “Digital Influencers and Online Advertising: regulatory landscape and issues” Speakers: Ben Natter, Haug Partners, Head of Global Trademark Group; Francesca La…
  • Ad Hoc Resolution of the LIDC - decision of the ICN to suspend Russia’s federal anti-monopoly service from participating in all its upcoming events
    For almost 90 years, the International League of Competition Law has been studying and promoting IP law and competition law. The first area of law is a contribution to the progress of humanity while the second has been a pillar of the preservation of peace on the European continent through…
  • Gothenburg Congress on 21-24 September 2023
    The next LIDC Congress will be held in Gothenburg in Sweden on 21-24 September 2023. The questions that will be discussed are the followings: "Question A: Do recent developments in enforcement, case-law, and guidance from competition authorities and regulators make the delineation between legitimate and efficient purchasing and supply arrangements and…
  • Lunchtime webinar on Tuesday 8 March 2022 on: “What are the perspectives for the future of the Automotive Sector”
    The Ligue Internationale de Droit de la Concurrence (LIDC) will be holding a lunchtime webinar on Tuesday 8 March 2022 from 1pm to 2.30 pm (CET) on: “What are the perspectives for the future of the Automotive Sector” The webinar will discuss the opportunity of evolution of the automotive regulation…