Bruxelles 2021

We have the regret to inform you that the next LIDC Congress has been postponed to 2021 due to the current crisis.

The questions that will be discussed during the Congress are the following :

– Question A : “Tasks and competences of national competition law authorities in a data driven society

For Question, A the international reporter is Jens Gaster, policy officer at the European Commission.

– Question B : “Influencers, native advertising and the use of AI for marketing – how can it be controlled by law?

For Question B, the international reporter is Marta Delgado Echevarría, Partner at JONES DAY.

National reports drafted for both Question A and B are the object of a publication by Springer. National reports shall follow the following directives and instructions for publication when drafting the report : Directives and Instructions for publication

National Rapporteurs – Question A

International Questionnaire

Australia: Barbora JedlickovaBrenda Marshall and Mark Burdon

Austria: Gerhard Fussenegger

Belgium: Friso Bostoen

Brazil: Mr. Raul Murad Ribeiro de Castro 

France: Lauren Mechri, Liliana Eskenazi, Laurence Charvoz, Nizar Lajnef and Jean-Julien Lemonnier

Germany: Dr. Mackenrodt

Hungary: Judit Firniksz

Malta: Clement Mifsud Bonnici

Nordic Group: Ingrid Margrethe Halvorsen Barlund, Ronny Gjendemsjø and Eirik Østerud

Romania: Alexandru Sotropa

Spain: Julia Suderow and Manuel Cañadas Bouwen

UK: Christopher Bellamy QC

Ukraine: Serhiy Shershun and collegues

National Rapporteurs – Question B

International Questionnaire

Austria: Adrian Kubat

Belgium: Benjamin Docquir and Louis Hoffreumon

Brazil: Mr. Felipe Barros Oquendo

France: Linda Arcelin

Germany: Thomas Hoeren

Hungary: Adam Liber

Malta: Philip Formosa

Romania: Alexandru Sotropa

Spain: Dr. Anna María Ruiz Martín

UK: Sean Ibbetson

The national Rapporteurs appointed by each national group recieve directives and a calendar to help them to write their national report. They also receive a questionnaire prepared by the International Rapporteurs.

Since 2012, the international and national reports are published by Springer Ediitors. It is requested to the national and international rapporteurs to follow instructions for the publication.