The Conference « Antitrust between EU law and national law« , now in its fourteenth edition, hasbeen held since 1992, every two years, at Fondazione Cassamarca in Treviso. The topical issues and the high qualified speakers made the conference, from the first edition, one of the most significant opportunity for interaction between the main representatives of the Antitrust World, both at national and international level.
Originally intended as a physical event to be held in Treviso in May 2020, the XIV edition of Conference was adapted to a digital format and is now offered as a virtual event.
Thanks to speakers that are high qualified experts, judges, leading attorneys from law firms and in-house legal departments, academics, professionals and members of antitrust authorities the debate will be focused on two main topics in the current scenario: the digital market and the antitrust reforms
The event is supported by UAE (Union des Avocats Européens), LIDC (Ligue Internationale Droit de la Concurrence), AIGI (Associazione Italiana dei Giuristi di Impresa), ECLA (European Company Lawyers Association), AAI (Associazione Antitrust Italiana) and Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet of the University of Milan, as well as by several sponsors like: 3M, Samsung, Intesa SanPaolo, Fujifilm, AstraZeneca, Compass Lexecon, Assindustria Venetocentro.