Hijmans Ines



English, French


Expérience professionnelle
Ines has been working as (EU) Competition Lawyer since 1 April 2002, of which 7 years as a cartel prosecutor at the Netherlands Competition Authority (now: Authority for Consumers and Markets). Since January 2009 Ines works independently for companies & law firms. At the ACM, Ines was involved in the very first dawn raids in the construction sector and, subsequently, has conducted investigations in the markets of trade, industry, transport, agriculture and services. From assessment of the very first evidence up until completion of the evidence and investigation into the statement of objections. Ines has fulfilled roles as ad interim legal counsel competition law at Air France - KLM (2017 - 2018) and worked as interim competition lawyer at law firms Eversheds Sutherland dealing with an international cartel case (2015 - 2017). Ines has been working since 2019 as an interim competition lawyer in follow-on international cartel damage litigation cases at law firm Lemstra Van der Korst.

- The Law of the European Union - with distinction - (Europa Institute of Leiden University, 2013). - Postgraduate Diploma in EC Competition Law - with distinction - (King’s College London, 2005). - Master of Laws with a specialisation in EU Competition Law (Maastricht University, 2001).

Publications, conférences, etc.
- At the ACM, Ines was responsible for the drafting of the new Guidelines on Cooperation of Undertakings. These guidelines provided companies with tools in order to self-assess whether a practice is authorised. As an expert, Ines also dealt with whether contracts were compliant with competition law, such as distribution agreements, franchise, non-compete clauses, exclusive/selective supply and geographical limitations. - On behalf of the Netherlands, Ines drafted a ‘Country Report on Potential Pro-Competitive and Anti-Competitive Aspects of Trade/Business Associations’ for the Competition Committee on Co-operation and Enforcement of the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). At the Roundtable Conference of the OECD on this topic in Paris, Ines represented the Netherlands.

Affiliations (autres associations, etc.
Competition Law Association