oct 20
oct 21
oct 22
oct 23
14:00 - 18:00 Registration of delegates

Sala Napoleonica – Via S. Antonio n. 12 - Milan

14:30 - 16:00 Meeting of the Scientific Committee
16:00 - 17:30 Meeting of the Bureau

University of Milan – Palazzo Greppi – Sala Napoleonica

17:30 - 18:30 Meeting of the Council
19:30 - 22:00 Welcome Cocktail at Museo Bugatti Valsecchi
22:00 - 00:00 Young Members - Nexgen - drinks
08:30 - 13:00 Registration of delegates

Sala Napoleonica – Via S. Antonio n. 12 - Milan


09:00 - 09:30 Opening session

Welcome speeches:

  • Elio Franzini – Rector of the University of Milan
  • Silvia Giudici – Associate Professor in Law – University of Milan
  • Christophe Rapin – President of the LIDC
  • Giuseppe Sena – President of the Italian Group of the LIDC
09:30 - 11:00 Panel “Sustainability and Competition”


  • Andrea Graber and Alessandro Sia - Swiss Competition Authority
  • Elise Provost - French Competition Authority
  • Dr. Gábor Gál - Member of the Competition Council, Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH)
  • Andrea Pezzoli - General Director of the Italian Competition Authority
  • Sandrine Delarue - Assistant Director and policy lead on sustainability at the UK Competition & Markets Authority
11:15 - 11:45 Sustainability and Competition: the point of view of a fashion Company

With Riccardo Peruffo and Paola Gonella - Ceo and Creative Directors of Peserico Confezioni s.p.a.


11:50 - 13:15 Working Session (Room A)

Competition question: What role could/should sustainability goals play in competition policy and enforcement and how are competition authorities addressing this?

  • International Reporter: Julian Nowag -  Lund University
  • Chairman: Collette Rawnesely

11:50 - 13:15 Working Session (Room B)

IP question: ‘Green IP’: What is the role of intellectual property in sustainability?

  • International Reporter:  Christopher de Mauny – Bird & Bird
  • Chairman: Marco Francetti – Studio Legale Jacobacci & Associati
13:15 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 16:00 Panel discussion “Protection of design through copyright law”


  • Paola Patrone – Italian CEO at Longchamp
  • Barbara Colombo - Professor at Politecnico di Milano
  • Daniel Alder - Kellerhals Carrad
  • Martine Karsenty-Ricard - JP Karsenty
  • Silvia Giani - Italian Judge of Court of Appeal of Milan Specialized Enterprise Chamber
  • Chairman: Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi - Sena & Partners
16:15 - 17:30 Panel discussion “Metaverse, NFTS and related IP issues”


  • Federico Pavan - Unframed 721
  • Irene Parenti – Global Strategic Marketing Italian and French Icons & Ip Managing Counsel Campari s.p.a.
  • James Brandburne – Art Director at Pinacoteca di Brera
  • Fabrizio Caretta – General Counsel Dolce & Gabbana
  • Andrea Buticchi – CBM & Partners
  • Chairman: Francesca La Rocca Sena – Sena & Partners

17:45 - 18:45 Light Aperitivo

University of Milan – Palazzo Greppi – Sala Napoleonica

20:00 - 21:45 Opera Teatro alla Scala “Fedora”
10:00 - 10:30 Key note speech


  • Serhiy Shershun - State commissioner of AMCU (Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine)
10:45 - 12:00 Panel “Competition and Data : synergies and tensions”
  • Antonio Capobianco - OECD
  • Pascale Déchamps - Head of the Antitrust Unit in charge of Digital and Telecom cases at the French Competition Authority
  • Ing. Carmelo Iannicelli – Pres. Telecommunications Commission of the Order of Engineers of Milan and Province
  • Guido Scorza – Member of the Italian Data Protection Authority

Chairmain: Dr. Pranvera Këllezi, member of the Swiss Competition Commission and attorney at law, Geneva, Switzerland

12:15 - 13:00 General Assembly
13:00 - 13:10 Meeting of the Council

University of Milan – Palazzo Greppi – Sala Napoleonica

13:10 - 14:30 Lunch
15:00 - 16:00 Practical workshop: It’s not enough to be an expert… you also need to show it!

Practical workshop on personal branding for niche legal experts: why it matters and how to get started

RUCELLAI & RAFFAELLI (Via Monte Napoleone, 18, I - 20121 Milano). 

16:15 - 17:15 Practical workshop: Are you making the most of your LIDC membership?

Practical workshop on how to network within the LIDC, use the platform to showcase your work, learn from others and create meaningful collaborations

RUCELLAI & RAFFAELLI (Via Monte Napoleone, 18, I - 20121 Milano). 

20:00 - 00:00 Closing Dinner at Palazzo Serbelloni
09:30 - 17:00 Excursion to Isole Borromee (Lago Maggiore)

Meeting point in the lobby of the Starhotel Rosa Grand and departure by bus for the excursion to Isole Borromee (Lago Maggiore). The excursion includes lunch

We are very happy to inform you that the next LIDC Congress will be held in Milano on October 20-23

The questions that will be discussed are the followings :


What could/should sustainability goals play in competition policy and enforcement and how are competition authorities addressing this?

Julian Nowag (Lund University) will be the International Rapporteur.

In terms of scope, the focus should be on Articles 101 and 102 TFEU (and their national equivalents) and merger control rules.
With governments, businesses and individuals across the globe being called upon to take action for a sustainable future, questions have arisen about the interplay between competition and sustainability, for example:
– Consideration of potential conflicts between competition policy and enforcement and sustainability goals?
– How any potential conflicts could/should be assessed and addressed within the existing analytical framework/using existing tools or are new policies and/or tools required to assess cases that present sustainability issues?


‘Green IP’: What is the role of intellectual property in sustainability?

Christopher de Mauny (Bird & Bird) will be the International Rapporteur.

What legal instruments (e.g. IP, technology transfer agreements, open source, other, a combination thereof) or other measures have been taken/proposed to incentivise innovation, in what fields, and how do they work? Which of these appear to be the most efficient or promising at a local (national/regional) level?

The national reports can be found here : https://www.ligue.org/resources/search-in-all-documents/

Our speakers
Alessandro Sia - Swiss Competition Authority
Andrea Buticchi – CBM & Partners
Andrea Graber - Swiss Competition Authority
Andrea Pezzoli - General Director of the Italian Competition Authority
Antonio Capobianco - Deputy Head of the OECD Competition Division
Barbara Colombo - Professor at Politecnico di Milano
Christophe Rapin – President of the LIDC and Partner KELLERHALS CARRARD
Christopher de
Mauny – Bird & Bird
Daniel Alder - Kellerhals Carrard
Dr. Gábor Gál - Member of the Competition Council, Hungarian Competition Authority
Dr. Pranvera Këllezi, member of the Swiss Competition Commission and attorney at law
Elio Franzini – Rector of the University of Milan
Elisabetta Berti Arnoaldi - Sena & Partners
Elise Provost - French Competition Authority
Fabrizio Caretta – General Counsel Dolce & Gabbana
Federico Pavan - Unframed 721
Francesca La Rocca Sena – Sena & Partners
Giuseppe Sena
Italian Group of the LIDC
Ing. Carmelo Iannicelli -
Pres. Telecommunications Commission
Order of Engineers of Milan and Province
Irene Parenti
Intellectual Property Managing Counsel Davide Campari
Irene Parenti – Intellectual Property Managing Counsel Davide Campari-Milano N.V.
James Brandburne – Art Director at Pinacoteca di Brera
Julian Nowag - Lund University
Marco Francetti – Studio Legale Jacobacci & Associati
Martine Karsenty-Ricard - JP KARSENTY & Associés
Paola Patrone – Italian CEO at Longchamp
Pascale Déchamps - Head of the Antitrust Unit in charge of Digital and Telecom cases at the French Competition Authority
Prof. Guido Scorza – Member of the Italian Data Protection Authority
Riccardo Peruffo and Paola Gonella - Ceo and Creative Directors of Peserico Confezioni s.p.a.
Sandrine Delarue - Assistant Director and policy lead on sustainability at the UK Competition & Markets Authority
Serhiy Shershun - State commissioner of Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine
Silvia Giudici – Associate Professor in Law – University of Milan

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LIDC – Milan 2022

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We are very happy to inform you that the next LIDC Congress will be held in Milano on October 20-23
We are very happy to inform you that the next LIDC Congress will be held in Milano on October 20-23 The questions that will be discussed are the followings : COMPETITION QUESTION WHAT ROLE COULD/SHOULD SUSTAINABILITY GOALS PLAY IN COMPETITION POLICY AND ENFORCEMENT AND HOW ARE COMPETITION AUTHORITIES ADDRESSING THIS? Scope In terms of scope,…